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The information included in this website does not, nor is it intended to, constitute legal advice or the provision of legal services, and is provided as general information only. The web site and the content thereon are provided on an "as is" basis without warranty or condition of any kind.

The content is for information purposes only, and should not be relied upon as accurate, timely or fit for any particular purpose. The content is not intended to be legal advice, or an opinion of any kind. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Brad Teplitsky, Barrister and Solicitor disclaims all warranties, representations and conditions of any kind with respect to the web site and the content whether express, implied or collateral, including, without limitation, implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement or that the web site or the content are or will be error-free or will operate without interruption.

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The specific advice of a lawyer is recommended before acting on any matter discussed on this website. Brad Teplitsky, Barrister and Solicitor invites you to call, write or email. However, contacting this Firm (by sending an email or otherwise) does not create a lawyer-client relationship or make you a client of this Firm. Until this Firm has agreed to represent you, nothing you say or send to this Firm will be confidential or privileged. In addition, information or materials submitted through this website to Brad Teplitsky, Barrister and Solicitor will not be transmitted over a secure connection and therefore will not be treated as confidential.